May 8, 2013

For the past week, I have been racking my brain around what I should say in this piece. I have brainstormed lots of topics from my crazy adventures, horrible revelations, health scares, life observations, and college advice to the upcoming class. The first page of my rough draft is now chuck full of half written articles, random sayings, homework notes, math notes, and my rants. The fact is I still do not know what I want to say to the world of RPS, partly because I am not too sure what I could say about my own world. For the first time in my life, I am on my own and there is a novel that can be written from that. So you have clicked on the RPS link eagerly awaiting the words of witty things I have to offer. I only hope I do not disappoint you.

The first thing I thought of was to correct most people’s perception of me. Over the past year or so, I have been described as quiet, closed off, reserved and even prudish by several people from different places in my life. I was really upset by the first couple of times I heard it. So in this article I wanted to do a sweeping piece that could stop the world in its tracks and show the side that all my deleted Facebook photos would reveal. But I couldn’t stomach it. The fact is, I do keep things to myself and I like to listen, observe, and keep a low cover. I do have nights I want to forget, rebellious phases, crazy stories, and even some high school tales I don’t dare mention at the dinner table. So here’s the scoop: I am nearly 20; I’d be living in a cave if that didn’t happen.

My next thought was to rant. I was choosing from all the stupid situations I’ve gotten myself into, people I have met, and things I have encountered. But every time I got to putting words on the page I felt bitter, catty, and – dare I say – prudish. I ended up ending my rants as: “Life is not that bad.”

I kept trying though. I made up of a list of every piece of advice that WOULD have been helpful to know about college. I even made a letter to teachers on how they should have prepared high school students for college. However, that felt a little too cheesy, and one can find that in just about every issue of Seventeen.

So then I got to thinking: perhaps a letter to Lizy? Or to the future spouse of Lizy? But I realized for that to be successful, I could not put it on the internet. Sorry for all of those in anticipation, date her and find out.

Moving on… I thought again to go into something more personal: my dating life. I had begun by complaining about all the guys and qualities I disliked, but again, I was ranting and I have a ton of faults too. I am too stubborn, do not know who I am or who I want, and am a bit too busy to think about relationships. I also don’t exactly have the whole campus knocking on my door. Maybe it is me, or maybe it is freshman year…who knows? I will give college credit though, for some time I thought that my middle school teacher was right – boys are jerks. He is wrong though, we all have issues and there are good guys out there, too. The real difficulty is getting the guts to keep putting yourself out there, and realizing a good thing when it is right in front of you.

So now I am at where you are reading now: I don’t know. I am a tired college student, trying to do what makes me happy. I have been talking to people nonstop about bucket lists, dreams, goals, adventures, relationships, and choices. I have been thinking amount my commitments, my legacy, and my story. What I have figured out is that I simply do not know where I am going, what I am doing, or where will I be in the next few years. The thought of being an adult totally terrifies me. Yet, like our new family beagle Rossi, I am waiting to catch a whiff of something irresistible and follow it to the ends of the earth.

As far as college confessions go….lol maybe when you’re older ;)

P.S. A peak my on my other article attempts:

What I want people to know about me:
There’s more than meets the eye. If you want to know more, ask. If I didn’t tell you much, ask again. I do not care for people half-heartedly asking about me.
Getting over extended.

Dealing with dumb people and their decisions.
My College Advice:
In life the only wrong way of doing something is thinking there is a right doing something.

It’s good to not tell your parents everything (trust me mom and dad).

A nap cures all ails.

If you’re not broke yet, you need to start having more fun.
Dating Advice for Lizy’s Partner:
She’s unlike anyone in the world. When you have found out that she actually is right about everything, don’t be afraid to keep trying to challenging her anyways. Also, have common sense, she likes that best.
3 Qualities I Look For in a Partner:
Adventurous, Ambitious & Chivalrous
-Rebecca Kurtz

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